Teacher in art workshops and projection studies
I was educated as an art teacher and I have studied the various pedagogical approaches demanded of teachers. I have taught at the University of Lapland since 2002, and in 2004 I started in a full-time position as university lecturer. Initially, my work consisted of teaching art workshops, in such subjects as snow sculpting, ice sculpting, fine arts, and ceramics, and integrating project studies into regional development in Lapland. I have since worked as a master’s degree teacher in the fields of Art Education and Applied Visual Arts, including courses for international students. I have tutored a number of students in using art, community art, and environmental art to meet societal and local needs.
Supervisor in Art and Research Studies
I defended my doctoral research in 2016 and graduated with a Doctor in Art. Since then, my teaching has focused on the supervision of students writing their theses in art education and applied visual arts. I also teach research methodology courses. I am currently supervising four doctoral candidates. In addition, I design research projects that integrate regional development and the disciplines of art education and applied visual arts.
Reformer of arts pedagogy in higher education
I have reformed university pedagogy for art education and developed a Master’s programme for studies in Arctic art and design, together with Professors Timo Jokela, Mirja Hiltunen, Glen Coutts, and other colleagues at the University of Lapland. The need for new kinds of art teachers and artistic training derived from the transformation of both art and working life. Contemporary art is specific to a certain time and context, rather than being universal: dialogical, contextual, and situational processes are essential in contemporary art, as are participating audiences, collaborators, and clients. In addition, artistic collaboration with the social and health sectors, tourism, and other fields of business and society offer work opportunities for artists, but require new models of learning to be an artist and/or art teacher.
Project studies that combine artistic approaches, practical development work, and research allow students to envisage the future, create concepts of better living conditions, and solve local challenges together with communities. When they graduate, their careers may be as artists, producers, consultants, researchers, entrepreneurs, or facilitators of artistic activities and services. The reform of arts pedagogy at the university level is an ongoing process.
Learning materials for art teachers and community artists
Huhmarniemi, M. & Hiltunen, M. (2018). YTYä esi- ja alkuopetukseen – toimintamalleja ympäristö- ja yhteisötaiteeseen. In S. Rusanen, M. Kuusela, K. Rintakorpi & K. Torkki (eds.), Mun kuvista kulttuuriin: kuvataidetta esi- ja alkuopetukseen (s. 109–130). Helsinki: Lasten keskus.
Hiltunen, M. & Huhmarniemi, M. (toim.) (2010). . Rälläkkä ja sivellin. Taidetoimintaa nuorten hyvinvoinnin tueksi. [Art Activities for Young People to support well-being]. Rovaniemi: Sarja C. Katsauksia ja puheenvuoroja 33. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.
Jokela, T., Hiltunen, M., Huhmarniemi, M. & Valkonen, V. (2006). Taide, yhteisö & ympäristö. Art, Community & Environment. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto. <URL: http://ace.ulapland.fi/yty>.
Huhmarniemi, Maria; Jokela, Timo & Vuorjoki, Susanna (eds.) (2003). Talven taito. Ohjeita lumi- ja jääveistoon. [Winter Skills: Guidebook to snow and ice sculpting]. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.
Publications discussing art pedagogy in universities
Jokela, T. & Huhmarniemi, M. (2020). Taiteilijan työ muuttuu: taideyliopistopedagogiikka vastaa muutokseen ja ohjaa sitä. In T. Jokela, M. Huhmarniemi & J. Paasovaara (toim.), Luontokuvaus soveltavana taiteena. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.
Coutts, G., Härkönen, E., Huhmarniemi, M & Jokela, T. (eds.) (2018). The lure of Lapland: A Handbook of Arctic Art and Design. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto. URN:ISBN:978-952-337-125-5
Huhmarniemi, M. (2015). Cross Cultural Meetings and Learning in and Art Biennale. In T. Jokela & G. Coutts (eds.), Relate North. Art, Heritage & Identity (s. 158–169). Rovaniemi: Lapland University Press. URN:ISBN:978-952-310-971-1
Huhmarniemi, M. (2013). Kurotuksia ympäristötutkimuksen ja taideintegraation suuntaan. Teoksessa M. Hiltunen, E. Härkönen & T. Jokela (toim.), 25 vuotta kuvataidekasvatusta Lapin yliopistossa (s. 57 –59). Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.
Jokela, T., Coutts, G., Huhmarniemi, M. & Härkönen, E. (eds.) (2013). Cool. Applied Visual Arts in the North. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto. URN:ISBN:978-952-484-638-7
Huhmarniemi, M. (2012). Soveltavan kuvataiteen maisteriohjelma: Taidetta ympäristön, yhteisöjen ja yritysten tarpeisiin. Teoksessa T. Seppänen (eds.), Taidetta, kulttuurien yhteistyötä ja uusia verkostoja. Pohjoisen kulttuuri-instituutti. Oulu: Kemi-Tornion ammattikorkeakoulu.
Jokela, T. & Huhmarniemi, M. (2008). Environmental Art and Community Art Learning in Northern Places. R. Mason & T. Eça (eds.), Intercultural Dialogues in Art Education (pp. 197–210). Bristol: Intellect Books.